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5 Ways Security Camera Systems Help Care For Senior Loved Ones

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When an elderly person lives alone, it's important to be able to monitor their safety. If they fall or have a medical emergency, they will need someone there to help them. A home camera system can provide this peace of mind by allowing you to monitor your loved one remotely. They enable you to keep an eye on your loved one in their own home, giving your loved one a feeling that someone is looking out for them when they are not with you and letting you know when something unexpected happens. Here are several ways home security camera systems can help care for seniors.

1. Deter Crime with Remote Monitoring 

When you install a home security camera system, you can monitor your loved one's location from anywhere. This is especially helpful for senior citizens who live alone. You can set the cameras to raise the alarm when there is movement in some areas at night, e.g., the backdoor. If your loved one's safety becomes threatened, you will be able to catch the criminal red-handed and get them to help immediately. 

2. Monitor for Medical Emergencies  

If your loved one has an emergency, such as a fall or a medical event, you will be able to call 911 and get them the help they need much faster if you have a security camera system. A camera system keeps an eye on your loved ones at home. For example, you can send for help if they stay too long in the bathroom or exhibit symptoms of cardiac arrest.

3. Prevent Caregiver Abuse  

Many senior citizens live with a caregiver when they can no longer care for themselves. Security camera systems allow monitoring of the conduct of these caregivers, making sure they are caring for your senior loved one safely. If you suspect caregiver abuse, you can see it happen live and deal with the issue right away. 

4. Monitor for Falls  

A home security camera system is great for monitoring falls, especially if your loved one lives alone. If they have a fall, you will be able to see the fall take place and call 911 immediately. You can combine cameras with a fall detection device to respond faster. 

5. Prevent Wandering Off 

Home security camera systems help monitor for wandering off in dementia and Alzheimer's patients. If you have a camera system set up at your loved one's house, you will be able to see them leave home and go somewhere else. This gives you peace of mind knowing that they aren't wandering off and enables you to get help if they do.

Active monitoring of seniors is crucial for their well-being. Contact a security systems supplier for more information about security camera systems.  
