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4 Considerations For Commercial Automatic Gates

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Electronic and mechanical locks protect buildings from vandalization and burglary. However, as a business owner, you may need a way to protect the exterior of your business, especially if you store valuable or sensitive items on the premises. A fence can keep intruders out, but you still need a way to access your facility, preferably without a hassle. 

Automatic gates for businesses are a great solution for anyone who needs more control over their parking lot, warehouse, or outdoor facility. These are four things that business owners should do when shopping for an automatic gate for their business:

1. Think about space considerations.

There are many types of automatic gates available for business owners. When choosing your gate, the first thing you should take into consideration is the amount of space you have available. Certain types of gates, such as swinging gates, require several yards of clearance. Additionally, some gates are better suited to enclosing large areas than others. Cantilever gates, for example, can offer large openings for commercial trucks and other heavy machinery.

2. Consider your security needs.

Next, you should consider your security needs. Most security gates are made of metal, but the type of metal used and the shape it is fashioned into can affect their durability. Large gates with a lot of height may be better suited to protecting facilities that require high security. Smaller, more lightweight gates may be sufficient to deter most intruders when top security is less of a concern.

3. Take future maintenance into account.

When selecting a gate, you should also consider the maintenance it will require. All gates require periodic maintenance, which is especially true for gates with electronic components. Vertical gates open using a lift system, unlike swinging gates and cantilever gates. This can make them attractive to people who would like to maximize their space, but owners should be aware that vertical gates can require more maintenance over time as their parts are placed under greater stress. Factoring maintenance costs into your automatic gate purchase can ensure that you never suddenly find yourself over budget.

4. Choose an access control system.

Finally, you'll need an access control system to control who has access to your facility via your automatic gate. Access control systems can be built with a variety of different vital functions. Key cards can grant access to keyholders, while biometric locks and keypads are available for businesses that would prefer to forgo physical keys entirely. Automatic gates can also be programmed to open automatically when their sensors detect a human or vehicle.

Contact a local security gate service to learn more.
